DG Group of Companies

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institute management system-dgonlinecommunications

Institute Management System is an all inclusive system that aims at managing multiple and single related activities such as, courses  batches, enquirers,   registrations …

 fees report, ID card, completion certificate, etc. in a printable format. Administrators can be assigned to manage particular records. Also, you can send Email and SMS ( SMS striker, point SMS ) notifications to students by batch, course, pending fees and more. Students can pay their fees with PayPal and stripe) payment methods.

Institute Management System can manage all institute activities in a single site. IMS is a completely web-based online system. This system can manage multiple institutes directly from your website. Also, you can assign admins to manage individual institutes. It is an Education Management Software that will provide you with a powerful solution for the entire educational institution. It is a management information system that helps to manage the different processes in any educational institution.

1. Super admin can create the institute and assign the admin.  Admin can do all institute activities that are required for the management of institutes like managing the courses,  batches, students, fees, reports, expense, inquiries, attendance, exam results, notice board,

study material, permissions, notifications and much more.

2.  Admin can create staff /employees or assign roles with permissions of staff/employee, Staff can manage all activities of the Institute that are assigned by the admin.

Staff and admin can upload the study material in PDF, Docs, Video Tutorial, etc.  Students can download and view them on the student dashboard.

Multi Institute Management provide 4 dashboards to manage institutes and activities.

3. Staff Dashboard  =>  Staff can perform all activities of the institute assign by admin.

4. Student dashboard => Student can view notices,  study material, exam results, pending Fees and deposit the pending fees via Payment Gateway such as Stripe, PayPal, Razorpay, etc

System capability


Multi Branch

Create an unlimited institutes and branches, manage the single panel.

SMS Notification

Send the notification via SMS

SMS Notification-digeeonlinecommunications

Email Notification

Send the email notification when register students, create institute, Fee deposit time.

Course Management

Add unlimited Courses, their durations and fees.


Batch Management

A course can have multiple batches. Add new batches to a course or edit them

Enquiry Management

Receive enquiries from front-end or add directly from admin panel


Student Management

Register a new student for a course, which can also be done from active enquiry. Then, enquiry can be removed or marked as inactive. Also, mark the course as completed.


Fee Management

Easy to manage fee, shows pending fees, supports payment in installments monthly and custom fee types for a student enrolled in a course.


Staff Management

Add an administrator to manage courses, batches, enquirers, fees, students, notifications, noticeboard etc.

Admin Dashboard

View popular courses, recent enquiries and number of active courses, students, enquirers, etc.

Create an unlimited institutes and branches, manage the single panel.


Student Dashboard

Students view their fees report, admission details, ID card etc. and pay remaining fees using suitable payment method.

Access Control

Assign task to an administrator having certain permissions to perform the task.


Generate and Print Reports

Select a student and generate reports such as fees report, admission details, ID card, completion certificate etc.

Export records to excel

Easy to export student records to excel or pdf format.


Search and Filter Records

Search and filter courses, enquiries, students, fee receipts.

Print Fee Receipt, Report, ID Card, Admission Detail and Completion Certificate

Print fee receipt for each installment, print fees report, admission details, student’s ID card and completion certificate.

Print Fee ReceiptReportID Card, Admission Detail andCompletionCertificate/dgonlinecommunication

Institute Noticeboard Widget

Display important notices on your website with Institute Noticeboard Widget.


Multiple Custom Fee Types

Add custom fee types like admission fee, exam fee, tuition fee etc.

Exam Results Management

Manage exam results and display results form on your website.


Study Material

Admin & Staff can update the study material as PDF,Docs, Video and student can download the study material from student dashboard

Student Attendance

Staff can manage the batch wise student attendance
